Crime prevention scheme “Shop Watch” relaunched in Gainsborough

Marshall’s Yard, a shopping centre in Gainsborough has relaunched a scheme to help tackle and prevent shop theft and anti-social behaviour in the area.

Shop Watch was relaunched in April this year by Marshall’s Yard, in partnership with Lincolnshire Police and West Lindsey District Council. It creates a communication channel that helps identify repeat offenders in the area.

The scheme is already proving a success, having issued 22 banning notices after identifying recurring individuals taking part in anti-social behaviour.

These banning notices can forbid people from entering businesses that are registered with the Shop Watch scheme for up to one year, with Marshall’s Yard saying it has so far been successful in reducing these incidents.

There are two membership types for the scheme, with the standard edition being free and allowing for online incident reporting, Shop Watch window stickers, invites to meetings, having your store included on banning lists for offenders, as well as regular updates on people issued with bans.

Enhanced membership costs £50 a year and entitles you to all standard benefits as well as two-way digital radios for direct communication with CCTV, as well as access to crime prevention training.

Jodie Pacey, centre manager at Marshall’s Yard, said: “It’s great that so many businesses are on board with the scheme. We can accomplish so much more by working together in partnership. We want to ensure Marshall’s Yard continues to be a lovely safe space for people to enjoy.

“Shop Watch is already making a difference and we’re looking for as many businesses as possible to get involved. If you’re a business based in the town centre then please get in touch with Shop Watch directly.”

Grant White, communities manager at West Lindsey District Council, said: “The partnership between the fantastic businesses within our town, the district council, Lincolnshire Police and Marshall’s Yard is one which can only result in a productive outcome.

“Pulling our resources together to identify, combat and prevent crime will ultimately make Gainsborough a safer place and even more prosperous for the businesses operating here.

“We hope that more businesses will join the scheme in the coming months and work with us to continue reducing the crime rates within the area.”

Business owner based in Gainsborough can apply to join the Shop Watch scheme on the West Lindsey District Council website.

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