Gainsborough sex offender has been jailed for 14 months

Gainsborough sex offender has been jailed for 14 months

John Armitage, formerly of Wembley Street in Gainsborough, appeared at Lincoln Crown Court on Tuesday, June 4, for sentencing after […]

11 Jun 2024 | Comment

£3,000 robbery at Browns

£3,000 robbery at Browns

A man has been charged following an alleged robbery at a store in Gainsborough. It follows an incident at Browns, […]

9 Jun 2024 | Comment

Man charged in connection with fatal Gainsborough car crash

Man charged in connection with fatal Gainsborough car crash

Mark Turner, 38, was fatally injured when a black Peugeot crashed into two parked cars in Riseholme Road, Gainsborough on […]

1 May 2024 | Comment

Lincolnshire Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner quits after pub ‘altercation’ arrest

Lincolnshire Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner quits after pub ‘altercation’ arrest

Lincolnshire’s deputy police and crime commissioner has resigned as police investigate a pub “altercation”. Philip Clark’s resignation was announced by […]

22 Mar 2024 | Comment

Blyton: arrests after drugs and cash seized

Blyton: arrests after drugs and cash seized

Two men and a woman have been arrested on suspicion of drug offences following a raid at a property in […]

19 Mar 2024 | Comment

Former scout leader convicted of child sex offences for third time

Former scout leader convicted of child sex offences for third time

The scout leader also operated in Fiskerton, a village near Lincoln located in West Lindsey. John Pycock, 83, denied sexually […]

19 Mar 2024 | Comment

Appeal after young boy assaulted in Welton

Appeal after young boy assaulted in Welton

Police are appealing for eyewitnesses and information after an assault in Welton. Welton is within the West Lindsey District, 6 […]

8 Mar 2024 | Comment

Man assaulted between Northolme and Uphill area

Man assaulted between Northolme and Uphill area

Police are appealing for witnesses and footage after an assault left a man with serious facial injuries in Gainsborough. Between […]

6 Mar 2024 | Comment

Further arrests in Gainsborough as police continue drug crackdown

Further arrests in Gainsborough as police continue drug crackdown

Three people – aged between 17 and 28 – have been arrested as part of a continuing crackdown on drug problems in […]

11 Jan 2024 | Comment

Four arrested over industrial unit cannabis grow

Four arrested over industrial unit cannabis grow

Four men have been arrested after police found a cannabis grow at an industrial unit in Gainsborough. Officers were alerted […]

5 Jan 2024 | Comment