Former Lloyds Bank to be turned into flats and office space

The former bank in the town centre could be renovated and turned into office space and flats. The former bank is a Grade 2 listed building.

The renovation, which includes the replacement of a rear extension, will see the listed building turned into serviced office accommodation and eight residential units. Developers Silvervault Limited believe the plans will help conserve and revitalise the historic site as it has been left vacant.

West Lindsey District Council agrees that the application will help preserve the building and its historic features and has since granted listed building consent for the development. However, further details, including fully detailed drawings of the plans, need to be submitted before any work can be done.

The decision report concluded: “The proposals have been considered against the duty contained within section 16 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended. “In light of this assessment, the proposal is considered as preserving the desirability of the listed building and its setting. Furthermore, the proposed development will preserve the desirability of the special architectural features or historic interest it possesses.”

Gainsborough Town Council made no comments to the planning application. You can view all the planning application documents here:, including recommendations regarding heritage conservation.

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