Have your say on solar park proposal near Gainsborough

Residents living near the proposed site for a solar and energy storage park on land near Gate Burton are being given the chance to have their say on the plans.

Low Carbon has started an initial consultation exercise until February 18.

During this time, Low Carbon wants to hear the views of communities living close to the site and those from the wider area on its emerging proposals for the scheme.

It is also inviting suggestions for sustainable local projects and initiatives it could support to directly benefit those communities closest to the proposed energy park.

Mike Rutgers, development director at Low Carbon said: “This is a major milestone for Low Carbon.

“We have reached a point in our development process where we are able to share details of our early-stage proposals for Gate Burton Energy Park and start a conversation with local people to understand their thoughts on the scheme.”

The extent of the land available to deliver the Gate Burton Energy Park is contained within one site, located in the West Lindsay District near Gate Burton, Knaith Park and Willingham-by-Stow.

Mr Rutgers said: “It’s really important to us that as many people as possible take part in this consultation.

“In delivering our vision for the project we want to ensure that communities living and working in the area have a chance to inform and influence the development of our proposals from an early stage.”

The Gate Burton Energy Park project website www.gateburtonenergypark.co.uk has been updated to include information about its emerging proposals and enable people to submit comments online.

There will also be online and in person consultation events on Tuesday, January 25, from 6.30pm to 8pm, online, on Wednesday, January 26, from 2.30pm to 8pm at Knaith Park Village Hall, Willingham Road, Knaith Park, Gainsborough, on Thursday, February 3, from 12.30pm to 5pm at Willingham Village Hall, High Street, Willingham-by-Stow, on Saturday, February 5, from 10.30am to 2pm at Marton and Gate Burton Village Hall, Trent Port Road, Marton and on Tuesday, February 8, from 6.30pm to 8pm, online.

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