Sir Edward Leigh, Gainsborough MP, will make a “mature judgement” on Boris Johnson

Veteran backbencher Sir Edward Leigh, who urged his colleagues to get a “sense of proportion” of the respective importance of Putin vs parties, told me on BBC Radio 4’s The Week in Westminster this week that he and others will have to take a “mature judgement” over time on whether to keep Johnson in post.

“The Conservative Party is quite ruthless and wants to win the next general election. And if in 18 months’ time we are still 10 points behind Labour and there is a minus 31 confidence in Boris, then we will have to think again,” he said.

Sir Edward was actually trying to be helpful. But whatever Putin may do in coming weeks, with friends like those, Johnson hardly needs enemies.

From “If Boris Johnson thinks the Russia-Ukraine crisis will be his Falklands moment, he should think again” published on I news.

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