Closure order on King Street premises

Published on 16 December 2023, by Gainsboroughlive | No comments yet |

Gainsborough Police have put a closure order on a property which has been used for repeated incidents of anti-social behaviour (ASB) in King Street, Gainsborough.

Our local community were being plagued by continued issues at a house on the street, with some saying they felt like prisoners in their own homes.

This wasn’t acceptable to the local Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT), which was receiving multiple complaints from residents about the behaviour.

So, they have been working hard in the background to resolve the issue, including gathering evidence and taking statements – resulting in a closure order being granted by the court this week.

This order lasts for three months and is in place until 11.59pm on 12 March 2024.

And we need to thank our community, which has offered our team a lot of help and support through this process despite concerns that they felt about being further targeted by coming forward.

This is where our team stepped up to ensure we were making use of the of ASB legislation, which is there to protect the community. This legislation meant that we were able to take statements anonymously from people who felt too frightened to put their name to a complaint; we hope that by understanding this is an option, others may feel more confident in coming forward knowing we will do everything we can to protect them.  

The closure orders following warrants carried out in September Op Stronghold.

The court found on Wednesday 13 December that:

  1. a person has engaged, or (if the order is not made) is likely to engage, in disorderly, offensive or criminal behaviour on the premises;
  2. the use of the premises has resulted, or (if the order is not made) is likely to result, in serious nuisance to members of the public;
  3. that there has been, or (if the order is not made) is likely to be, disorder near those premises associated with the use of those premises

It deemed that making a closure order was necessary to prevent future serious nuisance, similar behaviour, or disorder.

The order prohibits anyone from remaining on or entering the property with a few exceptions to allow maintenance. 

If anyone does anything which they are prohibited from doing by this order, they are liable for arrest and could receive up to 51 week in prison, or a fine, or both.

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