Archaeological finds at the Market Place

Published on 25 August 2023, by Gainsboroughlive | No comments yet |

Archaeologists from PCAS Archaeology Ltd have been working on the site of the former Lindsey Centre in Gainsborough Market Place.

Gainsborough was the base for Sweyn Forkbeard (King of Denmark and Norway), who became King of England in December 1013, but only reigned for five weeks dying in unexplained circumstances.

Preliminary examinations of the pottery found in pits on the site by Jane Young, a national pottery expert based in the county, have confirmed that some are 11th century in date.

Naomi Field, Senior Archaeologist from Prospect Archaeology Ltd, who is overseeing the project for the Client, Savoy Cinemas, said: “This is the most significant excavation in Gainsborough in the last 40 years.”

In 1204, the Lord of the manor at Gainsborough was granted a weekly market, which was most likely located in today’s Market Place, close to where the present excavations are taking place.

It is hoped that later features may provide information about the development of the medieval market.

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