Doncaster Sheffield Airport: Peel Group agrees 125-year lease for closed airport site

Published on 21 March 2024, by Gainsboroughlive | No comments yet |

The signing of the 125-year lease will help to ensure the future of the site, while an airport operator is found.

It followed a year of “detailed and complex negotiations” with landowners Peel Group, the council said.

Ros Jones, Mayor of Doncaster, said: “This follows over a year of detailed and complex negotiations with landowners the Peel Group. The lease agreement is the first stage in the process to reopen our airport. The next stage is the appointment of an airport operator to manage the operational airport.

This is a significant day in our ambition to reopen the airport as the lease has been signed!

I was determined to find a way to secure the future of aviation in Doncaster and this agreement helps us along the way to reopening our airport and seeing planes taking off once again.

This is a major step in the reopening process. The next is appointing an operator and investor who will manage and develop the airport. This process is well underway and I am optimistic that I can announce a partnership later in the spring.

I would like to personally thank Doncaster Council officers who have worked tirelessly with great dedication, insight, determination and skill to get us to where we are today. This has been no mean feat. Let’s look forward to the future with an airport that will help boost the economic and growth fortunes of our city, South Yorkshire and the north.

I would also like to thank my fellow South Yorkshire Leaders for backing the efforts of me and this council to save and reopen our airport. This airport is for the whole of South Yorkshire.

The lease signing forms part of the South Yorkshire Airport City programme which City of Doncaster Council put in place dedicated to working towards reopening the airport. The programme covers all the technical, legal, procurement and financial work necessary to progress securing the site and preparing essential requirements ahead of a partnership with an operator.

The programme is not the name of the airport which would be determined at a future date.

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